Frequently Asked Question

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What happens when I contact the Help Desk?

Last Updated 8 years ago

If you contact us by phone, we will:
  1. Record your contact information, which ensures that a technician will be able to get into contact with you.
  2. Gather complete information about your issue and troubleshoot the problem if appropriate.
  3. If a call ticket is issued, you will receive an email with the ticket information after your ticket is assigned.
  4. A technician will contact you.
If you enter your issue via the web, we will:
  1. Review the information you entered and contact you to clarify if necessary.
  2. Either call you to resolve the issue or send your ticket to the appropriate department.
  3. If a call ticket is issued, you will receive an email with the ticket information.
  4. A technician will contact you.
If you can contact us via email, we will:
  1. Review the email and respond with information OR
  2. Enter a call ticket, at which point you will get an email with the ticket information.
If you manage to resolve your problem on your own, or you are no longer having the problem, please call the Help Desk so we can update your call ticket information. You can call the Help Desk at any time to change or update your call ticket information.